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Celtic Sea Case Study


Whilst the Fohn Select software product is in development, we have utilised data in the Celtic Sea to demonstrate, test and compare the bespoke workflow.


Demonstrate – produce risk maps for site selection in the Celtic Sea to show the speed, accuracy and resolution of the process


Test – does the workflow provide the desired outputs?


Compare – how does the final mapping compare with the Celtic Sea license areas?


A selection of key individual data layers were risked based on a floating offshore wind development.


Wind Resource

Military Areas

Shipping Routes

O&G Infrastructure

Existing Licenses

All individual risk maps were then quickly and easily combined to create an overall constraints map for the Celtic Sea. When we overlay the Celtic Sea lease areas, we can clearly see how these areas were originally selected and then refined.

Time taken to run process: < 1 day

Visibility from Shore

Water Depth - FOW

Seabed Substrate

Next Steps


Select preferred lease area based on size, location, technical preferences


Rerun risking process over selected areas, with additional constraints layers to further refine - i.e. shipwrecks, onshore landing sites, recreational activity areas etc


Upload and include detailed seabed composition maps within selected areas


Upload and risk detailed wind resource maps


Integrate with economic modelling


Calculate energy output ranges for each refined area, based on size and turbine size


FÓ§hn Ltd

Unit 8 Tan Y Graig Parc,

Caer Seion, Conwy,

United Kingdom, LL32 8FA

(+44) (0) 1492 563 990

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